Legal Obligations

You promise never to use this platform for any illegal purposes or in any illegal way, and agree to comply with all relevant laws and regulations of your country and all international practices related to the use of the Internet. You also agree and guarantee not to engage in any behavior that infringes the rights of others or violates the law, including but not limited to:

  1. Publicly disseminating or transmitting any defamatory, insulting, threatening, aggressive, false, or other unlawful text, images, or any form of file;

  2. Publicly disseminating or transmitting obscene information or items that have no artistic, medical, or educational value, including but not limited to those involving bestiality, public nudity, sexual violence, sexual abuse, child sexual exploitation, etc.;

  3. Posting media-related transaction information, soliciting or promoting sexual services;

  4. Involving the sale, exchange, or introduction of content related to real child sexual activity, sexually suggestive pictures, or videos;

  5. Emphasizing and depicting children's nudity, infant and child genitalia, sexual parts related to children, obvious expressions, makeup, clothing or body movements related to children's sexuality;

  6. Recruiting or inviting children for sexual activity, having sexual activity with children for compensation, or transmitting children's sexual activities, children's sexual posing pictures/videos;

  7. Involving sexual assault, non-consensual sexual abuse;

  8. Involving incitement, instigation to kill or harm humans or animals;

  9. Emphasizing, highlighting, or detailing real human suicides, self-harm, or suffocating-style sex;

  10. Teaching the manufacture, acquisition, or use of 'drugs, controlled drugs, or their main raw materials' as defined by law;

  11. Teaching the manufacture, modification, or use of 'guns, ammunition, knives, explosives, or other similar items that are not allowed to be held under the law,' except when they have positive educational significance, value, or image;

  12. The content involves promoting or inducing children to use 'tobacco, alcohol, and betel nuts’;

  13. The content involves hatred, discrimination, or incitement or advocacy of hatred and discrimination;

  14. The content involves intimidation or threats directed against specific people/accessible specific people or ethnic groups, endangering lives and physical safety;

  15. The content involves malicious abuse, derogation, negative personality, and bullying directed against specific people/accessible specific people or ethnic groups;

  16. The content involves emphasizing, highlighting, or detailing criminal activities and techniques;

  17. The content involves real gambling;

  18. The content involves disclosing others' personal information without their consent;

  19. Infringing others' reputation, privacy, business secrets, trademark rights, copyrights, patents, other intellectual property rights, and other rights;

  20. Using this platform in the name of another person;

  21. Transmitting or disseminating computer viruses or impeding others' use of computers;

  22. Engaging in other behaviors that the platform has legitimate reasons to believe are inappropriate.”

Please ensure this text is reviewed by a legal professional to guarantee compliance with relevant laws and regulations and to adequately protect the interests of all parties involved.

Last updated