Content Copyright

For creators who join the DFANS platform, we will fully protect the copyright of creators, but we also require you to abide by the following terms:

  1. You should ensure that you hold all copyright and ownership rights to the content.

  2. You should ensure that your content does not infringe on the intellectual property rights or legal rights and interests of any third party. If your content causes any harm to the platform, you should bear the related compensation responsibility to the platform and assume the related responsibility in your own name.

  3. If you have three incidents of infringement of others' intellectual property rights, the platform will immediately terminate all services you have on the platform without any notice.

  4. The software or programs used on the platform, along with all content on the website including, but not limited to, works, images, files, information, data, website structure, website layout, and webpage design, are owned by the platform and its creators. Unauthorized use, modification, reproduction, public broadcast, adaptation, distribution, publication, reverse engineering, decompiling, or disassembling of content by anyone other than the platform and its creators is prohibited. Quoting or reproducing software, programs, or website content requires prior written consent from the platform or other rightful owners. Respecting intellectual property rights is your obligation. Violations may result in your liability for compensating the platform for losses, including but not limited to legal costs and attorney fees.

Please note that legal terms should always be reviewed by a legal professional to ensure they comply with relevant laws and regulations and adequately protect the interests of all parties involved.

Last updated