My story(from the Founder)

Around December 2021, in a coffee shop in Singapore, a friend broke down the concept of blockchain for me. Despite its popularity, this was the first time I truly grasped and was astounded by it. I admit, I'm not easily swayed; even when Bitcoin hit over $60,000, I remained on the sidelines. What shook me? Looking back, it was the spirit of blockchain he described—a new technological paradigm founded on decentralization, trust mechanisms, transparency, openness, innovation, and the potential to build a fairer, safer, more transparent, and trustworthy world.

Funny, isn't it? Money didn't sway me, but the so-called "spirit" did. I believe there are others like me in the world, those who've always yearned for freedom, equality, transparency in every aspect of life, from personal surroundings to societal structures, dreaming of a world that's completely open and transparent. Hence, I've been on the move my whole life, from the countryside to the city, from domestic to international, in pursuit of an ideal of freedom.

It wasn't easy to impress me, but purchasing cryptocurrency and making my first transaction on the blockchain was the real shocker. Buying or transferring money without any restrictions, my money truly became my own. I'm not a cryptocurrency trader or a speculator; instead, I began to delve deeper into blockchain technology, smart contracts, and how this open, transparent mechanism could be applied across various sectors.

Creating the dFans platform was somewhat serendipitous. I'm not a KOL; I just write occasionally. But honestly, I'm a loyal fan of Pornhub and OnlyFans, not just actively paying for creators and content but also mingling in forums like Reddit, observing what these KOLs talk about. It was here I learned about the prevalence of chargebacks, a concept I had never engaged in before. Without seeking it out, I would never have guessed credit card fraud was so widespread—that people actually cancel transactions after payment, demanding their money back.

After interacting with some OnlyFans KOLs, it dawned on me: what if we could use cryptocurrency for payments? Essentially, building upon OnlyFans but incorporating a cryptocurrency payment method; letting every transaction go through the blockchain, ensuring funds are irrevocable and eliminating any bank withdrawal delays. I shared this idea with a TikTok content creator friend who retorted, "Isn't cryptocurrency a scam?" I was floored, sharing all I knew about cryptocurrency with him, encouraging him to set up a wallet, to buy his first Ether. Now, I'm not sure if he remembers our initial conversation, but he's become a staunch blockchain supporter, holding several Ethers.

Believing in blockchain is a matter of time, but realizing one's ideas starts now. Thus, dFans was born. I'm particularly fond of the name dFans; 'd' stands for decentralized, indicating the platform's foundation on decentralization. Whether for creators or fans, I first aim to convey the spirit of blockchain—a value system rooted in decentralization, trust mechanisms, transparency, openness, innovation, and openness.

Developing a platform is no small feat, and getting creators to embrace a new concept is even more challenging. Thus, I've embarked on my entrepreneurial journey. I believe traditional creator platforms like OnlyFans lack trust and protection for creators, serving merely as profit-making tools. At the very least, dFans should not follow suit. Hence, "Truly caring for every creator" became our mission. Though we are small, this mission guides us in every aspect, using it and the values of blockchain to protect the creators we serve.

Now, as our website goes live, I pen these words as a reflection on my journey and a nod to the new beginnings ahead. The concept of blockchain has yet to resonate deeply, and cryptocurrency is not universally accepted, but I believe, once experienced, you'll inevitably fall in love with it.

Founder of dFans January 2024, Singapore

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