Fan Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Why subscribe

  • How to subscribe

  • Finding a profile

  • Free trials

  • I’m unable to subscribe to an account

  • I cannot find my subscription

  • "This page is not available" help

  • Cancel a subscription

  • Auto-renewal subscriptions

  • Refunds

  • Chargebacks / Credit Card Disputes

  • Discounted and promotional subscriptions


  • Accepted payment methods

  • How does a dFans transaction appear on my credit card statement?

  • Transactions / Charges

  • Pending charges

  • Failed charges

  • Third-party Payments


  • Tipped incorrect amount

  • Content not received

  • Tip not working

  • Maximum tips / daily limits

My Wallet

  • Wallet Credits

Global Sales Taxes

  • Sales Taxes

Technical Questions

  • How to Enable DRM in Different Browsers

Last updated